Man, it has been quite the week over here at the Adventuring Company camp!
Justin and I made the drive up to Bethesda, MD for the
Small Press Expo at the end of last week, which was a real blast! Our neighbors at the expo were quite friendly, especially
Karl Stevens. Over the weekend, I've been reading his 2004 Xeric award winning book
Guilty, which pretty much owns cross-hatching and has a cast of characters that feel a lot like some of my friends.
We also got to hang out with our old convention pals
Tara and
Paul Abbamondi. Tara graced our table with copies of her new mini
A Boy and His Genius, which were depleted by the end of day one.
Meals were eaten and jokes were told. Camaraderie was reestablished. What else can you ask for? The same thing to happen again in Florida next year at
Megacon? Well, that's what a little bird told me, anyway...
SPX was also a time for meeting old Internet friends in REAL LIFE for the FIRST TIME,
Joe Hunter and
Jamie Baldwin! Both were participants in
Super Art Fight, which was a whole lot of fun to watch.
So after a couple of days of R&R in Washington D.C., we finally made the trek back down to Florida to assess our depleted inventory and do some free drawings at Geek Night in the FSU Union ballrooms. Turnout was very modest in comparison to years before, but all that means is that we actually got to have conversations with the people we were sketching for!
Now we're gearing up for
APE at the beginning of next month. Looking forward to seeing some old pals out in San Francisco!
Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY