Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Meathaus, my favorite art blog, is reppin' some of my new stuff.

Has Anyone Ever Told You That You Look Like Buddy Holly? is my new sketch zine. My printer is all busted up so it's an extremely limited run, currently. Once that's fixed it'll be available to order at the store.

In the meantime, I highly recommend any of the Go For the Gold books that Meathaus publishes. They are all chock full of awesomeness, featuring Brandon Graham, Jonny Negron, Pendleton Ward, HARVEYJAMES, James Jean, and others, including Chris McD, who throws it all together.

Also, have you heard that there is a kickstarter for Very Near Mint Vol. 2? It's true that the goal has already been hit, but anything you can contribute will still help greatly. Plus, you're probably going to get the book early. Boo yeah.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Friday, October 7, 2011

Twitter Avatars


Well, I turned my pockets inside out and I got nothin'. Checked my fridge and that's empty too. So I'm taking a chip off the ol' block (that's what I call Justin Peterson) and opening up my schedule to make some Twitter avatars.

Here's how it's going down:

1. Order avatar from the Adventuring Company store.
2. Email me (lee@adventuringcompany.com) a photo of the person you'd like depicted in the avatar, and any other specifcations (i.e. bunny costume, three noses, etc).
3. Wait patiently for a few days. Think about how you upgraded me from beans and rice to beans and YELLOW rice (I love yellow rice; you could say I'm "mad about safron".)
4. Receive avatar and hi-res files for printing!

Next week I will open commissions, so if there's anything you've ever wanted drawn by yours truly, the time to make the request is right around the corner! And yes, I will pretty much draw anything.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pin-up Princesses


Two new prints available at APE this weekend!

We'll have these as well as two other new prints from Justin Peterson, plus our budding comic library.

Come visit us at table 635!

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Monday, September 19, 2011

SPX / Geek Night recap + tons of links to cool things!

Man, it has been quite the week over here at the Adventuring Company camp! Justin and I made the drive up to Bethesda, MD for the Small Press Expo at the end of last week, which was a real blast! Our neighbors at the expo were quite friendly, especially Karl Stevens. Over the weekend, I've been reading his 2004 Xeric award winning book Guilty, which pretty much owns cross-hatching and has a cast of characters that feel a lot like some of my friends.

We also got to hang out with our old convention pals Tara and Paul Abbamondi. Tara graced our table with copies of her new mini A Boy and His Genius, which were depleted by the end of day one. Meals were eaten and jokes were told. Camaraderie was reestablished. What else can you ask for? The same thing to happen again in Florida next year at Megacon? Well, that's what a little bird told me, anyway...

SPX was also a time for meeting old Internet friends in REAL LIFE for the FIRST TIME, Joe Hunter and Jamie Baldwin! Both were participants in Super Art Fight, which was a whole lot of fun to watch.

So after a couple of days of R&R in Washington D.C., we finally made the trek back down to Florida to assess our depleted inventory and do some free drawings at Geek Night in the FSU Union ballrooms. Turnout was very modest in comparison to years before, but all that means is that we actually got to have conversations with the people we were sketching for!

Now we're gearing up for APE at the beginning of next month. Looking forward to seeing some old pals out in San Francisco!


Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Monday, September 5, 2011

No Chumps


Peterson and me

are gonna be at SPX this weekend
in Bethesda, MD.

Space Girl 4199!
Very Near Mint!
Prints and sketchbooks!
High fives!
Table C14!

Two day work week,
hell yes.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bellanova Redstar: Space Girl 4199 at the Edge of the Universe


Captain Bellanova Redstar, having been duped by her colleagues at the Center for Universal Engineering, finds herself on a cosmic wild goose chase for a rogue exploration probe.

With the dying breath of her ship's failing propulsion system, Redstar and her lone companion A.S.S.T.R.O. rocket towards the nearby planet Dagaus...

Order @ AdventuringCompany.com

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Thursday, July 14, 2011

YouTube Wisdom

Edrik the Lazy - New comic by Peterson and Bretschneider - 99 cents!


The Frostwood is a place of unimaginable danger… Plus, it's like, really, really cold. Hither came EDRIK THE LAZY, to lay about and shrug when presented with even the most menial of tasks. Can Edrik find the initiative to begin his not-even-that-epic quest? Probably not. Or whatever.

Story by Lee Bretschneider and Justin Peterson.

Art by Justin Peterson.

8 pages, Color.

99 cent iPad app/pdf download from Double Feature, here.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



A guy needs a break every once in a while, yeah?

This is pretty much how I felt last night after eating Moussaka for the first time.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Free Comic Book Day = Free Braineater Sketches

I'll be at Read More Comics in Brandon, FL tomorrow (middayish) to be doing some sketches for whoever (you...?).

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Atlas from Portal 2


I turned this game off last night at the boss battle...just so I can squeeze one more night out of it.

Fantastic game. A+++. Would test again.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ice Cream Social

My day job sometimes allows for some "light cartooning". Recently, I was asked to put together a t-shirt design for one of the three colleges in my home of Tallahassee. It seemed fun, and since I'm contractually obligated to do it, I said, "why not?" They went with the "safe" one (walking arm in arm, awww) but I threw in two other ideas I had. I was told they had a hard time deciding. Still wish they would have gone with ice cream homicide, though.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

C2E2 This Weekend


Peterson and I are hitting up C2E2 in Chicago this weekend! He'll have copies of his new book, Very Near Mint, and I'll be giving out free previews of my new book, Bellanova Redstar: Space Girl 4199 at the Edge of the Universe! Stop by Artist Alley Table C-7! Especially if you'd like to see the bottom half of our faces!

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Travis Waltons


Just got a copy of The Travis Waltons Millionaire EP in the mail, all the way from the UK. I did an illustration for them last year which they put on the CD and the jacket cover.

Check 'em out!

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Polo wheel cover

Did a quick doodle on the wheel cover of my friend's polo bike. I wanted to do more but it was the middle of the night and I ran out of every decent mark making tool I had.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Monday, February 21, 2011

She doesn't put anything in her hair, nor does she need to.

I made this for a girl.

She made me a type illustration (impressive) and wrote me a poem. You can't read it. It's personal.

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lost Valentines Download Pack

Well, the show has been off for a year now. Maybe you miss it like the enigmatic lover that ultimately did you dirty...but you just cant shake the memory. Maybe you met your current boo at a Lost party. He saw your tattoo of Locke with the orange peel in his mouth...how could he resist? Whatever you want to use them for...here. Download this print-ready PDF, print it out, bust out the chocolates and reminisce about the glory days.

(right click, save/download as // you know the drill)


Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Friday, February 4, 2011


The fine folks over at the Center for Participant Education asked me to draw the course catalogue for this semester. How could I resist? CPE facilitates classes taught by students, faculty, and staff at Florida State University across a breadth of topics. This semester alone features classes on ballet, krautrock, women's health, Stephen King, tailoring, swedish, cooking, DJ lessons, and bicycle maintenance (and more)! CPE is also responsible for bringing several great guest lecturers to Tallahassee, which have included Noam Chomsky, Allen Ginsburg, Bill Ayers, and The Yes Men.

More info @ fsucpe.org

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Brains, Brother

Submitted this to TeeFury, but no response yet.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Posted via email from ADVENTURING COMPANY